I understand that some of our brothers and sisters in Christ are struggling just to afford the necessities of life like food and shelter, and can’t put any money towards a website. If this describes you, Worthy of Praise is a FREE web hosting and list hosting service for Christian churches. Their ultimate goal is to provide a service that spreads God’s Word through the technology of the internet.
Worthy of Praise is a FREE web hosting and list hosting service for Christian churches. Have you ever wondered about starting a website for your church? Maybe you have already done so, but the service you presently have is limiting your development, not meeting your needs, or is beyond your financial means. Could a mailing list for prayer requests or ministries help your church?
Worthy of Praise is easy to use. All of their hosting resources are available for your church website. They offer a variety of services to meet your specific needs.
Worthy of Praise
3300 Octavia St
Raleigh NC 27606
You can use your own registered domain name or use free subdomain provided by WorthyOfPraise (yourchurh.worthyofpraise.org).
Are there any catch? No catch. Believe us, we are hosted on Worthy Of Praise. Register for an service here or contact them here.
Now, if your church need technical support for free in setting up your website, we are here just for you! Click here to know more