Thank you Worthy of Praise Ministry for giving me vital space to do the thing I love to do the most. Thank you so much for giving me and my ministry the opportunity to make our presence felt in this wide web world. My ministry will use the best of our time and our creativity in helping and impacting churches, Bible colleges, Christian workers and organizations worldwide though our focus is right now for Northeast India region.
WordPress Christian Ministry is a long felt desire of mine, and this comes true is all because of God’s grace in my life. We are imparted with different talents and gifts, however, as we are living in an information age and as our region is struggling with the digital divide, WordPress Christian Ministry take this as a greater opportunity and responsibility to make a difference.
At WordPress Christian Ministry, I seek to give all technical support and services in starting a website, give tips and ideas for Churches and Christian ministers to generate genuine income online and help them setup effective fundraising campaign. And as I am a 21st century apologetic student and a science geek, check out for my contentions, my critiques on religion and my humble effort to harmonize the Bible and science.
I, Puanthanh Gangmei, have been in the web design industry since 1998. If this amounts to bragging, let it be so, because I am confident enough in my abilities and experiences. For God had made the weak I am strong and the poor I am rich. And I am always ready to meet any challenges in web designing.
Let not my “Free” services raise any doubts to you. My free service does not mean less service or poor service. I shall do my best to help churches to help others. Because I believe that only when you are blessed, I will be blessed too.
I am abdicating to work full-time with WordPress Christian Ministry. Praise be to God!
Truly in Christ,
Puanthanh Gangmei